Research Laboratories, ISO- 7 Cleanrooms
Total Precision Cleanrooms Aust were engaged to build state of the art ISO- 7 cleanrooms for IMAS, located at Sullivan’s Cove, Hobart. The IMAS $45 million project was an initiative of the Australian Government and was delivered by a John Holland Fairbrother Joint Venture.
The IMAS project was a three-storey building abutting CSIRO’S Marine and Atmospheric Research laboratories.
The new building brings together under the one roof researchers and experts from UTAS, IMAS, CSIRO, the Australian Antarctic Division, Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre and the Integrated Marine Observing System.
TPC were engaged early to assist in design for the construction of the state-of-the-art ISO-7 cleanrooms located at Sullivan’s Cove, Tasmania. The building also provides teaching and research facilities for around 290 staff and students.